Contact Restore Ukraine

Let's get in touch! Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out!

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Connect With A Restore Ukraine Representative

Restore Ukraine has a dedicated team of representatives in the United States and Ukraine who would love to hear from you. Connect with your local representative to find out what’s happening in your region, learn more about how you can get involved, or if you need our help.

General Information

Restore Ukraine HQ in Ukraine:
Heroiv Kharkova Ave, 118
Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, 61000

To contact our Care department, email us at

Corporate partnerships

Join us to invest in scalable, and solvable community-based solutions. To join our mission, please email

News Media

Restore Ukraine welcomes inquiries from the press. To arrange an interview with a Restore Ukraine staff member or to learn more about us, please contact:

Yaroslav Hnatusko at